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With our unique approach to education, we are exploring and actively pursuing projects in film and animation.  Check out our new project below on Bidchat!


We are excited to announce, in partnership with Bidchat*, our new internet show 'Lessons from the F*%#ing Master'. The episodes air on Bidchat on Tuesdays from 8pm – 9pm and  we've added a special current events edition that airs on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6pm - 6:30pm. You can follow the link below to get or download Bidchat and create an account. Please feel free to let us know if you need assistance with watching and/or bidding by emailing us at

Mobile: and search under the ‘People’ tab for 'Joseph Maldonado’ in the app

Lap and Desktop:


Note: All live broadcasts are recorded and can be watched anytime by clicking on the ‘Archives’ tab.

*Bidchat is a 2-way live interactive broadcasting platform that provides cutting-edge, interactive content like never before. The audience can watch for free or bid to join our live show. This unique format offers the viewer an opportunity to watch, participate, and ask questions of an expert. If you bid to join the show, a portion of all proceeds are given directly to charity. Here's a demo on Bidchat in action -


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